The Oak Hill Cemetery is one of the largest cemeteries in Mc Kean County. It was run by Mr. Phillip Webster who was the holder of a local funeral home. His family moved to Bradford, Pa. in the 1830's and was one of the major employers in town.

The cemetery is located on the grounds of former Lincoln and Raub farms in the Bradford Hills east of Main Street in a dimension of seventeen acres. Mr. Webster planted about 500 maple trees onto that area and this is how this cemetery got his name.

Special plots were added like the Civil War Soldiers' plot in 1907 and the Firemen's plot in 1909.

Several historic, memorial monuments made of granite can be found in this place of which the most popular is the Firefighter Memorial, located at the highest spot of the hill.

Historic Oak Hill Cemetery
The Firemen's Monument
limited edition 16 of 50
Honoring those who protect without hesitation
A  ZIPPO  11 January 2011
brush chrome 1937 replica

Historic Oak Hill Cemetery
The Soldiers & Sailors Monument
limited edition 4 of 100
erected in memory of deceased soldiers & sailors
H  ZIPPO  11 August 2011
high polish chrome regular size